Hello my friends ~ it is New Year's Eve. A new beginning. Like this little morning dove is a symbol of peace ~ How exciting this is for all of us ~
I have been down with the flu since Christmas Day. But sometimes, our difficulties turn out to be such a blessing. All week, I have had time to reflect on the coming New Year, my relationship with the Lord and how I am feeling right now ~ right at this moment.
I have been so blessed through this little Blog of mine. I have met wonderful friends ~
I have had an opportunity to share with you my thoughts, my little meaderings and my pictures ~ thank YOU
Although it is snowing and blowing outside, my heart is very warm in the knowledge that he keeps me and guides me through every storm ~ I wish for you every promise which the Lord has made. I wish for you nothing but peace, joy, love and happiness in the New Year. Mr. Vintage and I are going to be spending a quiet evening together. I am not quite well yet, but the Lord strengthens me each day.
May all of your dreams come true in 2014 ~ "Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever" Psalm 118:01 (((Hugs))) to you all Marianne xo
Happy Saturday my friends ~ I am so glad that I am home today ~
We have a little bit of a winter storm brewing here in Ontario. So far, we have gotten around 7 inches of snow with more coming ~
It's really coming down as you can see ~
You can see how deep the snow is here. We have shoveled a path for little Chico to go outside ;-)
I think we will have a White Christmas ~
I think I'll snuggle up with Chico and have some hot cocoa ~ it's supposed to start blowing soon with drifting snow. Have a great day~ Is is snowing where you are? (((Hugs))) Marianne
Happy Sunday everyone ~ There is a chill in the air ~ brrr ~ I have visited so many of you and you have give me such Christmas Inspiration ~ thank you I have continued decorating the Vintage household ~
A little Christmas in Mr. Vintage's bathroom ~
A little touch in front of the fireplace ~
In the kitchen ~
Even my dough bowl has a little Christmas flair ~
The tree is up ~
A little reindeer resting in the chair ~
Must have a nut cracker or two ;-) Although this one, has a broken foot, I still love him and will keep him ~
Sheet music garland on the tree ~
With musical ornaments ~
My mother's little Bell ~ Can you hear it tinkling?
I think I am definitely ready for the wonder of Christmas ~ Are you ready? (((Hugs))) Marianne xo
Hello my friends ~ I have been down with the flu for the past couple of days, but on Sunday I managed to create my Christmas Mantel ~
I wanted a different look this year, so I collected all of my Mercury Glass and my silver ornies ~ some pinecones too and greenery of course ~
I purchased this little guy at Walmart ~ I could not resist him ~
I had to put the little bottle brush wreath on his antler ;-)
I created a garland out of these little lace stockings and some twine ~
I had to use my chenille stockings again and added a little bling ~
I made a little feather wreath for over the fire place and hung it on a little white ribbon ~
I just love the way it turned out. I'll be putting the tree up soon and I'll share that with you~ I know everyone is busy decorating. Have you completed your mantel yet? Have you put your tree up? What other creative things have you been doing? Can't wait for you to inspire me ~ (((Hugs))) Marianne