Hello my friends ~ I hope all is well with you ~ Last Saturday, Mr. Vintage and I went junkin'. It was a cold rainy day ~ so we decided to go and our friends Mike and Karen came along ~ We had such fun~!
I did pick up a few treasures which I would like to share with you ~
I picked up this cute little quilt at a yard sale ~
Quilt love ~
Everyone KNOWS that I am a plate, dish, addict ~
This just had to come home with me.
It is right at home now in my cabinet ~
Then, Mr. Vintage spotted this at a craft fair ~
It is now in my kitchen ;-)
I couldn't resist this little wire candle holder ~
A well used cutting board ~
And these lovely hot pads. I use them a lot so as not to burn the counter tops or my table. I thought these were especially pretty.
Well, that was our junkin' escapade. We had such fun ~! Have you been out junkin' lately? What treasures have you found? Hope your Sunday is bright and beautiful. I am sending prayers to all those in Boson and in Texas. May God grant you the peace that passes all understanding. (((Hugs))) Marianne
Sweet, Sweet Spring has arrived ~ the temps right now are in the 60's. Ahhhhhh ~ When Spring arrives I come alive ~ I want to refresh, fluff my nest ~ I think you know....
This week I made some laundry detergent. We can't get Zote soap here in Canada, so I used Linda Soap.
I love how it smells and I love that you use so little, very economical ;-)
I have been wanting to take my cupboard doors off for such a long time. Well, I finally did it, but didn't like the look. So, Mr. Vintage added bead board (actually Pine tongue and groove) to the back of the cupboards.
Now I love the way they look. I put my jadite in this cupboard, so that I can look at it always ~
I had to add a little pink ~
I really do like the way it looks. The bathroom is still a work-in-progress, but hopefully, I can show you that soon. I tweaked my mantel a little ~
I love these blue bottles ~
and of course, my little birds ~
Well, I am off to do a little more fluffing ~ What have you been up to lately, fluffing? painting? creating? Please let me know, I love to hear from you Have a wonderful Sunny Day ~ (((Hugs))) Marianne